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Professional Youth Worker

Discussions of professionalism always happen when youth workers gather. It's an inevitability.

As I was reading my blogs this morning, I came across a blog from Ian, a British youth minister.

In a forum he was reading, someone posted the definition of profession. So good, I'm re-posting here.

Looking at the 'roots' of such things ... from the Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary, we find:
Main Entry: pro·fes·sion
Pronunciation: \prə-ˈfe-shən\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English professioun, from Anglo-French profession, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin profession-, professio, from Latin, public declaration, from profitēri
Date: 13th century
1: the act of taking the vows of a religious community
2: an act of openly declaring or publicly claiming a belief, faith, or opinion : protestation
3: an avowed religious faith
4 a: a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation b: a principal calling, vocation, or employment c: the whole body of persons engaged in a calling

Thanks to Ian! Go read his blog. He's one of my favorites.


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