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Stories from the Woods

This past weekend, I was talking to my friend Lauren and LK. I was telling stories about living in the woods. Lauren suggested that I blog some of the funny/interesting things that happen to me while living in the woods. It's quite different living out here. For example: When I was in the city this past weekend, the first thing I heard when I got out of the car was police sirens. That scared me, as it's been weeks since I've heard sirens. With that being said, here's a story from a couple weeks ago:

Jack and I set out on our morning walk. Soon, we heard this shriek, and Jack let out this echoing bark. I turned to look in the field, and there were two tom turkeys fighting for dominance. Around the toms were a circle of hens, watching the fight. It was turkey fight club. The fighting stopped, and the toms and hens looked at Jack for a second, and (in my head) said meh, and resumed fighting/watching. Jack kept sniffing in their general direction, and after deciding that the threat was minimal kept walking. At the last spotting of the flock of turkeys, dominance had not been decided yet.


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